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React App Quickstart

To start integrating NEAR in your React application, you can use the Create React App template to bootstrap your project.


If you are looking for a more step by step approach, check out the full tutorial.

Create a NEAR Account

Check out the official docs to get started creating a NEAR account here.

Project Initialization

Simply run the following command in your terminal:

npx create-react-app my-near-app --template near-js

or if using yarn:

yarn create-react-app my-near-app --template near-js

This will create a new directory called my-near-app containing a React application preconfigured with near-api-js.

Project Structure

Your App.jsx file will look something like this:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';import { connect, WalletConnection, utils, Contract } from 'near-api-js';import { getConfig } from './config';const {  format: { formatNearAmount },} = utils;const App = () => {  const [wallet, setWallet] = useState(null);  const [contract, setContract] = useState(null);  const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);  const [deposit, setDeposit] = useState(0);  const [balance, setBalance] = useState('');  // Establish a connection to the NEAR blockchain on component mount  useEffect(() => {    connect(getConfig()).then((near) => setWallet(new WalletConnection(near)));  }, []);  // Initialize the contract object when the wallet is available  useEffect(() => {    if (wallet) {      setContract(        new Contract(wallet.account(), 'counter.testnet', {          viewMethods: ['getCounter'],          changeMethods: [            'resetCounter',            'incrementCounter',            'decrementCounter',          ],        }),      );      // We can get the account balance of a user through the wallet      // Since this is requesting data from the blockchain, the method returns a Promise      wallet        .account()        .getAccountBalance()        .then(({ available }) => setBalance(available));    }  }, [wallet]);  const isSignedIn = Boolean(wallet && wallet.isSignedIn() && contract);  // Update the counter value when the contract is available  // (which means that the user is signed in and the contract has been initialized)  // Calling contract functions is similar to calling API endpoints in traditional web apps  // The call happens asynchronously and the result is returned in a Promise  useEffect(() => {    if (isSignedIn) {      contract.getCounter().then((counter) => {        setCounter(counter);      });    }  }, [contract, isSignedIn]);  // Handle the sign in call by requesting a sign in through the NEAR Wallet  const handleLogin = () => {    wallet.requestSignIn({      contractId: 'counter.testnet',      methodNames: [        'resetCounter',        'incrementCounter',        'decrementCounter',        'getCounter',      ],    });  };  const handleReset = async () => {    // Call the reset function on the counter contract    // We have to deposit at least one yoctoNEAR (1e-24 NEAR) to be able to call change functions    await contract.resetCounter({      args: {},      amount: deposit.toFixed(0),    });    // When calling view functions, we don't need to deposit    setCounter(await contract.getCounter());  };  const handleIncrement = async () => {    // Call the increment function on the counter contract    await contract.incrementCounter({      args: { value: 1 },      amount: deposit.toFixed(0),    });    setCounter(await contract.getCounter());  };  const handleDecrement = async () => {    // Call the decrement function on the counter contract    await contract.decrementCounter({      args: { value: 1 },      amount: deposit.toFixed(0),    });    setCounter(await contract.getCounter());  };  return (    <section>      <h1>🎉 Congrats on starting your NEAR journey in React! 🎉</h1>      {/* Only show the sign in button when the user is not signed in */}      {isSignedIn ? (        <div>          {/* We can get the account id of the currently signed in user through the wallet */}          <div>Hi, {wallet.getAccountId()}!</div>          <p>            Your account ballance is{' '}            {/* The balance will be retrieved in yoctoNEAR so we have to format it to a NEAR amount */}            <strong>{formatNearAmount(balance, 4)}</strong>          </p>          <p>            The current value of the counter is: <strong>{counter}</strong>          </p>          <label htmlFor="deposit">            <span>Deposit value (in yoctoNEAR): </span>            <input              id="deposit"              type="number"              min={1}              value={deposit}              onChange={({ target: { value } }) => setDeposit(parseInt(value))}            />          </label>          <div            style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', width: '50%' }}          >            <button onClick={() => handleReset()}>Reset Counter</button>            <button onClick={() => handleIncrement()}>Increment counter</button>            <button onClick={() => handleDecrement()}>Decrement counter</button>          </div>        </div>      ) : (        <div>          <button onClick={() => handleLogin()}>Login with NEAR</button>        </div>      )}    </section>  );};export default App;

Usage Examples

Here you have usage examples of the four main functionalities you will be using to interact with NEAR.

and balance query

You can find the usage example of how to use a WalletConnection to sign users in and query the user's data.

const [wallet, setWallet] = useState(null);const handleLogin = () => {  wallet.requestSignIn({    contractId: 'counter.testnet',    methodNames: [      'resetCounter',      'incrementCounter',      'decrementCounter',      'getCounter',    ],  });};wallet  .account()  .getAccountBalance()  .then(({ available }) => setBalance(available));

Calling view methods

How to call view methods on smart contracts:

contract.getCounter().then((counter) => {  setCounter(counter);});

Calling change methods

And how to call change methods on smart contracts:

await contract.incrementCounter({  args: { value: 1 },  amount: deposit.toFixed(0),});setCounter(await contract.getCounter());

Next Steps

For a more in-depth walkthrough of how to integrate NEAR in your React app, you can follow the full tutorial.

If you want to explore some quick code examples, you can check out the Quick Reference section with the Cheatsheet and Cookbook. In this section you can also find out about other useful NEAR resources in the Useful Links section.

Interested in theory and how Web3 apps are different from Web2 apps? Start with the Architecture and Account explainers.