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Command-line Interface


npm install -g near-cli

near-cli on

Network selection

The NEAR CLI reads the NEAR_ENV environment variable to determine the RPC configuration to use when making network requests. Options include: testnet, betanet, mainnet.

Set the network for the current shell:

export NEAR_ENV=mainnet

Or for a single command:

NEAR_ENV=mainnet <command>


Create a full access key and add it to an account for use by the CLI.

near login

Viewing stored keys

Keypairs are stored with the associated account ID in the following location:

  • Mac & Linux: ~/.near-credentials/<network>/<account id>.json
  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%/.near-credentials/<network>/<account id>.json

Sending tokens


Make sure you have authenticated as the sending account using near login.

near send <sender> <receiver> <# of NEAR>

Executing functions

Smart contract functions can execute in two modes: view and call (or change).

View mode

View function calls are only allowed to read data from the smart contract. They do not:

  • Make any on-chain modifications
  • Have a signer
  • Make cross-contract calls
  • Transfer tokens
  • Cost gas
near view <contract> <method> <JSON argumenst>

For example:

$ NEAR_ENV=mainnet near view wrap.near ft_balance_of '{"account_id":"root.near"}'
View call: wrap.near.ft_balance_of({ "account_id": "root.near" })

If the arguments for your function call are long, complex, or are used often, you may want to put them in a separate .json file.

You can use them in a command like so:

near view <contract> <method> "$(<path/to/args.json)"

Change mode

Regular function calls perform activity on-chain and require a signer to pay gas fees.

near call <contract> <method> <JSON arguments> --account-id <signer>

Regular function calls can perform both change and view calls, but are required to pay gas fees regardless, so if you don't have to perform a change, it's probably best to stick with view calls.

JavaScript API

near-api-js works on both the browser and on server-side Node.js.


Install the JavaScript API on an NPM project.

npm install --save near-api-js

Connect to RPC

import { connect, keyStores } as nearApi from 'near-api-js';const networkId = 'testnet'; // or 'mainnet', 'betanet'const near = await connect({  keyStore: new keyStores.BrowserLocalStorageKeyStore(),  networkId,  nodeUrl: `https://rpc.${networkId}`,  walletUrl: `https://wallet.${networkId}`,  helperUrl: `https://helper.${networkId}`,  explorerUrl: `https://explorer.${networkId}`,});

Authenticate wallet

import { WalletConnection } from 'near-api-js';const wallet = new WalletConnection(near);const signIn = () => {  // Creates a function call access key  wallet.requestSignIn(    {      contractId: '<contract account ID>',      // Optional properties      methodNames: [        'ft_transfer',        // ...      ],      successUrl: '...',      failureUrl: '...',    },    'App Name', // Optional  );};const signOut = () => {  wallet.signOut();};

The methodNames list is optional. This is how function call access keys are limited in what methods they are allowed to call on a contract. If the list is specified, the only method names that must be included are those that will be called as change methods.

Read Account Balance

const account = await near.account('<account ID>');const balance = await account.getAccountBalance();

Sample response:

available: '5906378735324665985186940';
staked: '0';
stateStaked: '40520000000000000000000';
total: '5946898735324665985186940';

Send Tokens

await wallet.account().sendMoney(  '<receiver account ID>',  '1000000000000000000000000', // amount in yoctoNEAR);

Instantiate Contract Object

import { Contract } from 'near-api-js';const contract = new Contract(wallet.account(), '<contract account ID>', {  viewMethods: [    'view_method',    // ...  ],  changeMethods: [    'change_method',    // ...  ],  sender: wallet.account(),});

As opposed to the method names specified when creating an access key, it is probably a good idea to specify as complete an interface of the contract as possible when instantiating a Contract object, particularly since view methods don't require an access key to call.

Call view method

await contract.view_method({  arg_name: 'arg_value',});

Call change method

await contract.change_method({  args: {    arg_name: 'value',  },  // attached deposit in yoctoNEAR (optional)  amount: '1000000000000000000000000',  // attached gas (optional)  gas: '300000000000000',});

Call change method and wait for FinalExecutionOutcome

const account = await near.account('<account ID>');const result = await account.functionCall({  contractId: accountName,  methodName: 'increment',  attachedDeposit: '1000000000000000000000000',  gas: '300000000000000',  args: { order_details: 'some details' },});

Example result is below. Learn more about FinalExecutionOutcome

receipts_outcome: [
block_hash: 'AiBCSZrJU2M16zce28v6Kp7EwJ41d5DH9X8HFq11s58d',
id: 'E7MZckXTtCAT18dxyDsrppEs4jYCdiu3BFELzeWEdXrR',
outcome: [Object],
proof: [Array]
block_hash: 'BvSBEirXP8SNH7M4yuy1Kc7U3yh3rqS5bJrwj9FSHB8Y',
id: 'AGW46279abYSCA21ziNJprmtSob5qoTFsdvGG5gJdM4r',
outcome: [Object],
proof: [Array]
status: {
transaction: {
actions: [[Object]],
hash: '2BmtZ7npXLkr6PBAjhAsZGJRtC2ZXFC8zwPM6R7vNaFb',
nonce: 86674508000011,
public_key: 'ed25519:33qks4o8DUe9QHpE41wuqNSKPSNTqju6GuyDGWq99Sth',
receiver_id: 'dev-1649038224846-84379959752795',
signature: 'ed25519:4YvagLgeX2VpMpGhbhnywbcDUaCg219SYx5SKJHf5XokDoVGKDiuv4Je3XA2s5PfspowNF8CforbtxFx9pAVCrnS',
signer_id: 'dev-1649038224846-84379959752795'
transaction_outcome: {
block_hash: 'AiBCSZrJU2M16zce28v6Kp7EwJ41d5DH9X8HFq11s58d',
id: '2BmtZ7npXLkr6PBAjhAsZGJRtC2ZXFC8zwPM6R7vNaFb',
outcome: {
executor_id: 'dev-1649038224846-84379959752795',
gas_burnt: 2428341355592,
logs: [],
metadata: [Object],
receipt_ids: [Array],
status: [Object],
tokens_burnt: '242834135559200000000'
proof: [[Object], [Object], [Object]]